AIMS-Computational Thinking Impact (to send to schools).pptx

Algorithmic thinking for digital art

Our project ‘Algorithmic thinking for digital art’ utilises free online resources, such as TurtleStitch, to help learners visualise geometric concepts and grasp mathematical relationships through hands-on applications. This approach not only boosts logical and problem-solving skills but also explores creativity. The project introduces fundamental coding concepts and algorithmic thinking, allowing learners and students to understand how sequences of commands yield specific results. Overall, the program effectively combines mathematics and coding to enhance critical thinking and creativity in learners.

The TurtleStitch program offers significant benefits to teachers and educators too. Teachers and educators can explore new coding and digital fabrication techniques, discovering innovative ways to integrate STEAM into their curricula. The cutting-edge collaborative learning environment showcases creativity and enriches the educational experience for everyone passionate in multi-disciplinary learning.